Donnerstag, 30. September 2010

This autumn: grandpa style

grandpa cardi, loafers, satchel bag - topshop, empty watch bracelet - urban outfitters

Handsome smile, wearing handsome shoes,
Too young to say, though I swear he knew,
And I hear him singing while he sits there in his chair,
While these autumn leaves float around everywhere.

nice trash

me without you is like:
a sneaker without laces,
a geek without braces,


I'll get you!

Let me introduce you to my high-spirits-song. Groovy, groovy, groovy.

Mittwoch, 29. September 2010

Lorena Strohner Photography

The young lady just knows how to capture the right moment.. I immediately fell in love with her dreamy pictures. Check out more of her art here.

Hello you lovely autumn...

...I'm sure you can keep up with the summer!

Dienstag, 28. September 2010

Alexa Chung: My coat inspiration

Every coat I bought doesn't really fit. Every winter I'm again desperately looking for the perfect coat for me and just don't find it (come out come out where ever you are!) I'm not a coat-type of girl. I'm certainely a jacket-type but not a coat-type. Maybe it's because I'm petite, maybe not. :-) Alexa is an absolutely coat-girl. Boyfriend or Leo, it just fits her oh so well. Maybe it's because she's tall, maybe not.

Sonntag, 26. September 2010

Thomas Dybdahl

what a nice song for a wonderful Sunday evening...

Samstag, 25. September 2010

Seen: Julia Saner at Fendi, Spring 2011

Now look at that: Julia at Fendi! What a gorgeous girl, what a promising career lies ahead of her. Go Julia go...

How rainy days become sunny...

Regnerischen Zeiten trotzt man am besten mit Hunter-Stiefel, einem guten Filzhut und Erinnerungen an die Sonne.

Ein schönes Wochenende!

With hunter wellies, a good hat and memories of the sun, we will go through these rainy days.

Have a nice weekend!

Donnerstag, 23. September 2010

color: camel

Ich dachte mir, ich nehme das Kamel gleich aus den Ferien mit. Es hat mir sooo gut gestanden. Liebe diese Farbe!

I thought, I just take the holiday-camel with me. It suited me so well. I'm in love with this color!

top: Coat: H&M, dress: H&M, sweater: H&M, coat: Sessun
bottom: bag: Strenesse, trousers: Vero Moda, leather skirt: Vero Moda, shoes: Bullboxer

Coat: H&M

Jacket: Acne

Cape: Veronica B. Vallenes

Pictures: Freshnet; Zalando


model of the moment: Shaun Ross

Ein Interview mit dem aussergewöhnlichen Model findet ihr im aktuellen Kinki Magazine.

You can find an interview with the extraordinary model in the current issue of Kinki Magazine.

Mittwoch, 22. September 2010

Dear Diary

Wer wollte nicht auch schon immer einmal in fremden Tagebüchern schmökern? Das Buch ist eine Ansammlung der lustigsten Tagebucheinträgen eines Mädchens von 12 bis 25 Jahren. Sie updatet jeden Eintrag, indem sie Leute aufspürt, die damals mit ihr zu tun hatten und ihnen komische Fragen stellt wie: "Erinnerst du dich noch, als ich dich vermöbeln wollte?"
Wenn ihr's nicht schon besitzt, dann loooos!

Who hasn't always wanted to browse a diary? The book is a collection of a girl’s funniest diary entries from 12 to 25 years old. She updates each entry by tracking down the people involved and asking awkward questions like, "Do you remember when I tried to beat you up?" If you don’t already own it, get it now!

Dienstag, 21. September 2010


Hallo Welt, hier mein absolutes Lieblingslied der tollen Band Passion Pit, da smich an meine tolle Zeit in New York erinnert. Love it!

Hello World, here my all-time favourite song of the fantastic band Passion Pit, that reminds me of my blending time in New York. Love it!